Lego Star Wars
LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play Videos

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 30 – Betrayal Over Bespin

In the final part of The Empire Strikes Back, the Falcon arrives at the Cloud City on Bespin and meet up with Lando. Unfortunately for our heroes, the Empire is already there and having made a deal with Boba Fett, Vader hands Han over to the bounty hunter. Meanwhile, the rest of the group escape

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LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 29 – Cloud City Trap

Despite his training being incomplete, Luke’s vision of friends being slaughtered is enough to send him racing to Bespin’s Cloud City to save them. What Luke doesn’t realise, however, is that Darth Vader is already there waiting for him. It’s time for the most iconic lightsaber battle and monologue in movie history. SPOILER ALERT –

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LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play Videos

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 28 – Dagobah

With Hoth behind us, Luke follows the disembodied voice of his short-lived teacher to the Dagobah system where he must seek out Jedi Master Yoda. Sadly the landing doesn’t go well and his X-Wing ends up at the bottom of a swamp. Navigating the rough terrain will be one challenge, learning the ways of the

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LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play Videos

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 27 – Falcon Flight

They’ve escaped Hoth despite the heavy forces of the Empire, but now in orbit, they find another challenge awaits, an armada of Star Destroyers and TIE fighters. It’s going to take the best pilot in the galaxy to get out this one, and a ship capable of completing the Kessel run… Be prepared, however, because

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LEGO Star Wars Set News

LEGO Star Wars 20th Anniversary Sets Revealed

Today, licensed LEGO sets based on your favourite blockbuster movie or comic book are an every day occurrence. Marvel, DC, Ghostbusters, Doctor Who, Back to the Future…to name a few, but one will always stand above the rest and in 2019 it will be celebrating twenty years in LEGO form. I’m, of course, talking about

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LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play Videos

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 26 – Escape From Echo Base

With the battle of Hoth in full swing and the Empire on the verge of wiping out the Rebel base, Han and Leia must escape Echo Base before it is too late. There are plenty of dangers to face along the way, from stormtroopers and collapsing tunnels, to feelings 😀 Can they reach the Falcon

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LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play Videos

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 25 – Hoth Battle

After the destruction of the Death Star, the Empire has been on the warpath, searching the galaxy for the rebellions main base of operations. With scout droids combing the galaxy, one sends back the images that Vader has been waiting for, it’s on the icy planet Hoth… Knowing that Skywalker is there, Vader sends the

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LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play Videos

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 24 – Rebel Attack

They’ve escaped the Death Star, the secret plans are with the Rebellion, and they’ve found a weakness… With Han seemingly done with his mission and awaiting payment, Luke volunteers for the final attack on the Imperial moon-sized weapon, but time is running out. The Empire has located the Rebellion and about almost in range of

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LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play Videos

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 23 – Death Star Escape

With Leia rescued by Han and Luke, everything looks seemingly easy from this point on, but while the mission may be going well, there’s still a moon-sized Imperial base to navigate through in order to escape. As wave after wave after the heroes, they must work their way back to the Falcon, but where is

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LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play Videos

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 22 – Rescue the Princess

Escaping Mos Eisley on the Falcon, Obi-Wan and Luke head off to save the Princess on her home planet. On arrival, however, they’re in for a shock as it turns out the planet has been destroyed. Confused and unaware what the next steps to take are, the crew heads towards a nearby moon…but that is

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LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 21 – Mos Eisley Spaceport

With Luke agreeing to accompany Obi-Wan (who he’s just met) off-world, the next job is to find transport and there’s only one dirt-hole guaranteed to have the kind of nerf-herder capable of getting them off-planet without exposing them to the Empire. Han and Chewie are waiting for the original adventure to get into full swing,

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LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: TCS Let's Play Let's Play

Let’s Play | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga 20 – Through the Jundland Wastes

Leia has been captured by the Empire, but the Death Star plans and those famous droids have escaped, thanks entirely to the energy-saving gunman not willing to shoot down an escape-pod with no life signs. Following a brief argument in the desert and capture by sand-people, the droids end up in the hands of young

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