Daily Bricks 18-04-2021
“Ok Doc, I admit it, I broke the space-time continuum….”#lego #bttf #backtothefuture #martymcfly #docbrown #emmetbrown #delorean #dinosaur #dinosaurs #legobacktothefuture #legodinosaur
“Ok Doc, I admit it, I broke the space-time continuum….”#lego #bttf #backtothefuture #martymcfly #docbrown #emmetbrown #delorean #dinosaur #dinosaurs #legobacktothefuture #legodinosaur
“You win this round womp rat”#lego #starwars #lukeskywalker #womprat #t16 #t16skyhopper #tatooine #legostarwars #maytheforcebewithyou #theforce #theforceisstrongwiththisone #jedi #legostagram #legolukeskywalker #toystagram
There have been rumours floating about for a few weeks now that LEGO would be releasing a number of new
“Dude! Too easy. A bit of a challenge would have been nice.”#lego #spiderman #marvel #avengers #legocity #legolighting #legospiderman #peterparker #legomarvel
The Winter Soldier a.k.a Bucky Barnes#lego #thewintersoldier #captainamerica #captainamericathewintersoldier #buckybarnes #wintersoldier #steverogers #avengers #legowintersoldier #legothewintersoldier #falconandwintersoldier #marvel #legomarvel #legostagram #instalego
My LEGO City – First LookDuring the pandemic lockdown in the UK in early 2021 I've been working on a
“And all it took was a little green rock…”#lego #superman #lexluthor #clarkkent #manofsteel #luthormechsuit #justiceleague #legolexluthor #legosuperman #legojusticeleague #legostagram #toystagram
The Great Hall lighting kit by @lightailing Easy to install, USB or battery powered, looks stunning. Will be doing a
“Spared no expense…well, apart from the tech guy. He was suspiciously cheap…”The true message of Jurassic Park: Never underpay your
“Hulk, the shawarma is amazing!! I can either get you take out or puny Banner comes in, your choice.”#lego #avengers
Somewhere in the multiverse, the Jurassic Park 2 San Diego chase scene went a little differently #lego #jurassicpark #thelostworldjurassicpark #ianmalcolm
“So is the bush some kind of relative? I don’t get why we’re here…”#lego #guardiansofthegalaxy #starlord #chrispratt #rocketraccoon #groot #iamgroot