Daily Bricks 30-10-2020
“Hey Buddy, wrong day! Halloween is tomorrow!!”How would Ghost Rider respond?#ghostrider #ghostbusters #halloween #happyhalloween #lego #legoghostbusters #legoghostrider #marvel #avengers #whoyagonnacall
“Hey Buddy, wrong day! Halloween is tomorrow!!”How would Ghost Rider respond?#ghostrider #ghostbusters #halloween #happyhalloween #lego #legoghostbusters #legoghostrider #marvel #avengers #whoyagonnacall
“Sorry sir, we’re out of blue space-cow milk!”“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” #darthvader #bluemilk #starwars #lego #legostarwars #moseisleycantina #moseisley #legomoseisleycantina #maytheforcebewithyou #stormtrooper #legostagram #instalego
“Let’s face it, mate. You’ve got about as much chance of winning the Quidditch cup as I have of marrying
“Roger! Roger! Has anyone seen Roger???!”#rogerroger #starwars #lego #legostarwars #droid #jawas #jedi #quigonjinn #jarjarbinks #moseisley #legomoseisleycantina #legodroid #thephantommenace #starwarsprequels #maytheforcebewithyou
It turns out, Nebula was more welcome in Mos Eisley than she realised…Credit for this idea very much goes to
“Trust me guys!! From what I hear about this place, you’ll fit right in…”#moseisley #starwars #lego #guardiansofthegalaxy #thor #marvel #legostarwars
“Yes, this is the one. You should definitely have the sister wand to ‘he who shall not be named’ because
“Do not worry R2. I know an establishment that does not ban droids. The Leaky Cauldron is just up here…”#c3po
“ATTENTION: Would the owner of the large green Dewback please return to your parking bay. Your vehicle is eating the
“Sorry Dad, butt dial…”#princessleia #leiaorgana #darthvader #starwars #lego #legostarwars #moseisley #legomoseisleycantina #maytheforcebewithyou #legostagram #instalego #legophotography #legominifigures #minifigures #afol #toy #toys
“I am Bill S. Preston Esquire!”“And I am Ted Theodore Logan!”“And together we are THE CANTINA BAND…”@billandted3 #billandted #cantinaband #starwars
“The LEGO store has a sale on…”“Have you not EXTERRRMINATED enough of our savings???”#lego #legostore #thedoctor #doctorwho #daleks #legostagram #instalego