Daily Bricks 29-12-2020
“What? Just because I’m evil doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a good sale at this time of year!”#lego #harrypotter #legoharrypotter
“What? Just because I’m evil doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a good sale at this time of year!”#lego #harrypotter #legoharrypotter
“If we give you Hasselhoff, do you promise to leave Earth?”#lego #marvel #legomarvel #agentsofshield #shield #guardiansofthegalaxy #davidhasselhoff #agentcoulson #lola #nickfury
“Guys, you know how we enjoy a crazy plan to save the universe? Well, it’s time for us to save
“What’s are you doing Master Wayne?”“Constantine told me about a thing called Boxing Day, Alfred, I’m preparing…”#boxingday #batman #lego #legobatman
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!Hope Santa brought you loads of LEGO #lego #starwars #legostarwars #santa #santaclaus #christmastree #christmasday #maytheforcebewithyou #chewbacca #c3po #merrychristmas
This year Santa is getting an upgrade with some Stark tech…I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas everyone. #christmas
“Happy Christmas Eve Eve!!”#lego #legocentralperk #legofriends #christmaseveeve #merrychristmas #friends #illbethereforyou #pheobebuffay #joeytribbiani #chandlerbing #rossgeller #monicageller #rachelgreen #noonetoldmelifewasgonnabethisway #legostagram #instalego #happychristmaseveeve
“Marty, I’ve not brought any presents…we need more time. To the DeLorean!”“Doc, doesn’t that break your rules!!”“Christmas Marty, something’s gotta
“Hmm, so Earth has wizards now?”#lego #marvel #harrypotter #legomarvel #legoharrypotter #thorragnarok #thor #hermionegranger #wizards #doctorstrange #avengers #legoavengers #legostagram #instalego #legophotography
The return of Skywalker…#lego #legostarwars #starwars #lukeskywalker #themandalorian #disneyplus #jedi #maytheforcebewithyou #thisistheway #legostagram #skywalker #instalego #legophotography #legominifigures #minifigures #afol #toy
“And who, sir, are you?”“I’m the ghost of Christmas future…get in!”#doctorwho #tardis #scrooge #achristmascarol #ebenezerscrooge #lego #legodoctorwho #legochristmascarol #charlesdickens #merrychristmas
“The whole Santa thing gets to me Fury! I mean, a guy delivers billions of presents in one night…next you’ll