LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Escape From Starkiller Base DLC Guide
Game Guides LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars - The Force Awakens: Guides

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Escape From Starkiller Base DLC Guide

This guide will show you how to achieve 100% completion on the LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens DLC level, Escape From Starkiller Base.

The video will show you what is required to 100% the level with additional detail below for each part. The DLC levels for the game only require you finding minikits to complete, there are ten on each level to find.

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Minikit #1 (00:18):
As soon as you begin the level, turn around and use a lightsaber to cut down the tree and retrieve the minikit.

Minikit #2 (00:32):
Next head to the far left of the first area and once as far left as you can get, head forward to find a slope down to the minikit. It’s guarded by two orange cones, for some reason.

Minikit #3 (00:45):
From the last minikit, head back up the slope and you’ll see a cloud of mist. Send a droid into the mist to retrieve a minikit inside.

Minikit #4 (00:57):
Just to the right of the mist, use the Force to construct a log-based row of inclining steps to reach the minikit on the ledge above.

Minikit #5 ( 01:54):
Once through the large metal gate, climb the wall behind the stormtroopers in the hot-tub to reach the minikit.

Minikit #6 (02:10):
After you’ve taken out the stormtrooper tower in the shoot-out, turn to the right to find a small-character hatch to climb through for the minikit.

Minikit #7 (02:21):
After you’ve finished the shoot-out and taken down the stormtrooper tower, follow the story path forward to find a strong-handles to rip apart a large tree stump and reveal the minikit.

Minikit #8 (02:52):
During the first part of the driving section of the level, shoot down three TIE fighters for the minikit.

Minikit #9 (03:19):
Almost impossible to miss, but when you do the leap of faith in the driving section of the level, head right on the jump to get the minikit floating over the gap you’re jumping over.

Minikit #10 (03:27):
After the leap of faith, inside the cave, shoot everything in sight. There are specific crystals to hit, though it’s not very obvious in the guide video which ones should be hit. Just keep shooting and you’ll get the minikit.

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